SUFYAA Featured

SUFYAA Journey & Lessons

SUFYAA was founded by Rina Tahar out of frustration that hijabs back then were lacking in design, quality and practicality. She eventually quit her corporate job and decided to embark on her own fashion label and started selling online via SUFYAA’s Facebook Page in April 2011.

In this podcast hosted by OKLETSGO, Rina shares more about her journey into what shaped SUFYAA today.

Melbourne Project

In 2018, SUFYAA was invited by the Melbourne Malay community to provide her bespoke services onsite where Rina personally flew to location for consultation and measurement bringing her signature fabrics along with her. Over 50 bespoke outfits were crafted and airmailed upon completion.

SUFYAA for President Halimah Yacob

Over the years we have dressed many distinguished women including, Singapore’s first woman President, Madam Halimah Yacob.

Our happy customers can attest to the quality of our designs and workmanship and many of them kept coming back for more over the years.

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